Flashback Friday Bloody Rage Retrospect

Retrospect: Bloody Rage

For the flashback game today I've chosen and old fighting game that was based off “Mortal Kombat” and includes many video game, movie, and comic book characters. The game is called Bloody Rage and it was released in 2002 to a several game sites back in the day, but I always played it on newgrounds. I played this game quite often in computer labs in school, because I really liked the character roster. Let’s see how it holds up today.

There really is no story here unless I made one up. Just popular media icons at the time in 2002 duking it out in a death match tournament.

The visuals here are not that great. The characters are all drawn out, but they don’t look good at all. The bodies for everyone are the same template with just different colors and accessories. The levels also look really bad, and remind me of low res screen savers.

Im on fiya baby!!!
Visuals aside the game play is what made this game fun. I mean there are 18 playable characters. For a little flash game in 2002 that’s impressive. The character roster is just smart, it has all popular choices from different genres. You have Spiderman, Yoda, Bruce Lee, Goku, and many more. What’s also even better is you can create your own custom character and take parts from any of the full character roster ( this probable explains why all the characters are built from the same template). Doing the review, I made a Goku – Blade hybrid. I guess you could call him Blaku. The only thing I don’t like is that every character has the same move pool which means no character is unique, so really playing with anybody in the roster is just for looks than skill. Which really sucks is a lot the characters have weapons, but don’t use them at all because they all share the same move pool. That aside the move pool is pretty big, you can throw fire balls, do round house kicks, shoot harpoons, and many more attacks. You also get a rage bar which charges while you fight, and when it is full, there are 2 rage moves which your character can unleash to do massive damage to the opponent. Like the "Street Fighter" series there are also little bonus stages where you can break barrels for extra points, but it doesn't hurt you if you suck at them. Also like "Mortal Kombat", there are fatality moves which after you defeat your opponent, if you put in right combo you can pull their heart out, punch them in half, throw into fire-pit, and more (I wasn't able to do all of them). There is also strangely no two player mode. I know two people huddle over one keyboard to play a game is weird, but a lot of other games have done it before. I think a multiplier mode would have been a nice addition.
Blaku is ready for you all >:)

For fighting games on the web, it’s not horrible but it has not aged well at all. The single move pool and generic stages make every fight seem just the same as the last, although the difficulty in opponents increases the farther into the tournament you advance. It still is a lot fun, there are a lot of different combos in the move pool and using your favorite character, or your own created one to beat up on enemies is a blast. It still by no means isn't a masterpiece but it’s a great little game that’s earned its spot in web gaming history.
um can I have that back? I sort of need it to live

I’m going to give Bloody Rage 3 roundhouse kicks out of 5

“OMG does this mean I have to fight evil Aliens and Vampires now … damn, Blaku is sad :(”


Created by Flash Game Studio

Hosted on newgrounds.com

Hobo 4 Total War Game Review

Review: Hobo 4 Total War

“Edit: after doing my review I've seen that Hobo 4 Total War actually came out in 2010. It was just recently uploaded on newgrounds the time of this review, so I thought it was a new title. My bad, but I will eventually review the newest title in this series in the near future. Thanks for  following intrawebzgaming guys :). “

Hobo 4 Total war is a vulgar and fun as hell beat-em up fighting game. I love these types of games, which with some of my favorites being the “Streets of Rage” and “Double Dragon” series. The main character Hobo has a very unique type of fighting style that I don’t think I've ever seen before. I guess you could call it nastybodyfluid style type of martial arts.

The story here picks up after Hobo 3. The entire world sees Hobo as a public menace and wants him dead. The government calls in the army to take Hobo out by any means necessary. The army is packing guns, grenades, rocket launches, helicopters, and tanks to rid the world of this walking puking, pooping, and plain old nasty plague. Hobo is not intimidated in the least bit, and is ready for anything and will kill anybody by using his unique gifts.
poop cannon FIRE!!!

The art style is cartoon and comical, sort in the same line as Alien Hominid only more obscene and vulgar. It doesn't hold back at all when it comes to violence and obscene images. Enemies spurt blood from there face, when you hit and shoot them. When Hobo uses his combos such as puking and pooping, it is not just a little bit of poop. He completely covers his enemies and you literately see them covered in kaka. It had me laughing my butt off the first time I performed one these combos. If you’re offended easily I would suggest you not play this game, as Hobo's whole arsenal of moves are nasty.  

Haha look at Hobo's face he looks so pleased with himself.
The game play is extremely addicting. I love beat-em ups and this one just has so much going for it. Hobo has 15 different combos he can perform, so fighting enemies never gets redundant or boring. I’ll be fighting a group of three and then decide I want to use my eyeballs to knock em around, and then finish em off by pissing on them HAHAHA. It’s just plain awesome. The pooping and puking attacks are very good ranged attacks, where you can flee to the end of the screen and hit your enemies with for max damage from afar. The only thing your really need to watch out for is soldiers with guns and grenades. Generally I can take them out if there is only one, however if two get to opposite sides of the screen and get you in the middle it can give you a lot of trouble, and they tend to do a lot of damage. The only sad thing is that it is pretty short, but there are 3 other titles to play, so that's totally forgivable.  Hobo 4 Total War is just a lot of fun and ends on cliff hanger, so I’m sure there will be another installment coming at us.

I’m giving Hobo 4 Total War 5 poop covered soldiers out of 5

“HAHAHAHA I just crapped all over that guy he looks so pissed … wait I think I’ll do that next”


Created by SeethingSwarm

Hosted on armorgames.com

Weak Wednesday Motor Kiss Game Review

Review: Motor Kiss

Today is Wednesday, so you know I got a great game for you all today right? Naw just kidding, it’s a very bad game today. Today’s game is called Motor Kiss, and the object is to make out while riding your scooter. Sound really stupid? Well it is, it is completely dumb and is void of all entertainment what so ever.  For the most part it is just boring because you really don’t do anything besides click the screen.

Story here is that you payed a hooker to ride a bike with you, and while riding you want the hooker to make out with you, because well apparently that’s what your into. While making out, you don’t wanna be seen because you’re super shy and feel embarrassed if anyone sees you kissing. Okay well the hooker part I made up, but come on who has an idea like this for a game? If anything it should be cops that you wanna look at for, because really you can’t see the road at all if your making out with someone. Plus its just sending a bad message to kids with the characters not wearing helmets (come on guys that just irresponsible).

Okay the visuals are not half bad here. Everything has been drawn out by hand and is the best highlight about the game, but that’s the only thing going for it. I especially like the detail on the scouters and motorcycles you can see bolts and sections which make them look realistic. But that’s about the only positive thing I have to say about Motor Kiss.

um ya maybe you should watch where you're going guy?
The game play is an absolute joke. All you do is make out with a girl while people passing by are not in your line of view. If a passer-by sees you making out you lose a heart and if you lose 3 hearts its game over. You also have timer and a meter called the Love Loader which you fill by kissing. In order to beat the level you must completely fill the love loader within the time limit. There are only 3 stages but I only made it to stage 2 because I got bored, and figured I had enough to work with for the review. This game is sort of a rip off of “Hide The Fart” where you have to hide your farts by noise coming from traffic but if you get caught you lose. The major flaw with the game besides its premise is that it suffers the same problems of Slender Survival in that it is way too simplistic and boring. There just needs to be more to do and more that happens.

I’m giving Motor Kiss 1 hot pink scouter out of 5

“Hey baby let’s make out .. Aw crap that girl saw us oh hey watch out fOR THAT CAR BAMMM!!!”


Created by ???

Hosted on to43.com

Antichromatic Game Review

Review: Antichromatic

Get ready because today’s title is extremely challenging

Today’s game Antichromatic is an adventure game that resembles an old NES classic Metroid. It’s a maze with platforms and obstacles. In addition to that you switch between dimensions to make your way across each room. You can switch the planes between the black universe and white universe. It is very fun and rewarding but be warned it is extremely difficult.

The story here is that for over a year the world within the game has been split into two dimensions separating people and families from each other. A small band of fighters knows as Chroma has join together to rid the force that has separated the dimensions. They recently have track the source of the force to a facility, and now it is up to your character to stop the force and return the world back to normal. Within the facility you find a suit called Chromatic armor, which allows your character to travel back and forth between dimensions to aid you on your mission. Trust me you’re going to need all the help you can get because it is not an easy task.

The visuals of the game are well, very chromatic. Everything is black or white depending on which dimension your traveling in. The game is consisted of all sprite work that resembles an old 8-bit game. Rooms remind me a lot of Megaman which include spikes, saw blades, and occasionally enemies. I love old games from way back, so this look works strongly for this title.
wall jumping between a saw blade is sick >:0

The game play is very hard and difficult. I don’t mean to scare anyone way that would want to play but it’s tough I can’t lie. If you ever played an old Megaman , Castlevania, or Metroid its on that level difficulty. There are power-ups for suit as well, in the style of Metroid that allow you to move further in the game. Unlike Metroid, it’s not hard to navigate the facility at all. There is only one path you can take throughout the place and the game lets you know in the begging which way you should travel. The beginning of the game is not very difficult at first with your character only needing to avoid spikes, saw blades, and change planes when necessary. However, after you obtain the black wall jump boots the game difficulty goes off the charts. The biggest issue I have is with the control. The character always feels slippery and when you need to jump on small platforms over spikes it can be very difficult. Using the wall jump for me was a nightmare. To do the wall jump successfully you need to hold back against the wall and then jump out away from the wall and you do this all with the A W D keys. Trust me when I say your left hand will be going sporadic on the keyboard when doing this. Hopping from wall to wall and switching dimensions back and forth, will make your head hurt because you need act faster than you can think. Each room as you progress just gets harder as you go on. I had to quit for 20 minutes at one point because I just couldn't take it anymore. The end room with the boss is the hardest, where you need to destroy 3 color blocks and defeat the boss all in one go without dyeing and there are many obstacles and dangers to avoid while doing it. Even with the difficulty factor, it is still a very good game. It’s not just hard and no fun. There is a challenge factor to it that makes it very rewarding. Every room towards the end of the game I conquered gave me a great feeling of accomplishment before the next room had me feeling overwhelmed.

 If you like old NES titles I say give it a try.It took me 1 hour and 45 minutes to beat Antichromatic, and I died 385 times. I’m sure my readers will be able to do better because I suck. So I challenge you all see if you can beat the Antichromatic

I’m going to give Antichromatic 4 failed wall jumps into spikes out of 5

“Come on jump OK now watch the spikes NOW jump…. AGH (punches monitor)”


Created by Lee Miller
Title Music by Leaf Corcoran
Additional Music DST

Hosted on newgrounds.com

Monsterland 3 Junior Returns Game Review

Review: Monsterland 3 Junior Returns

ML3 Junior Returns is another strategy game where the object is to make it through obstacles to wake up your parent. You must navigate small puzzles and avoid obstacles to get the child block to the daddy blocks head. This game is very kid friendly down to the visuals and difficulty factor. This is the third game, but this is my first experience with the Monsterland series

The visuals are bright and colorful. Nothing is menacing everything is cute down to the obstacles which are blocks with eyes. The main character a smiling red block named junior is also cute and just smiles the entire time unless you kill him, which his face then gives out a comical yell. It’s also funny to see JR jump up and down on his father’s head while his father is annoyed.

Just a lil red box that be chiiln :D
The game play is fun but has very simplistic strategy. Most stages can be completed with just a few clicks to get JR to his daddy, though the later stages do increase in difficulty mildly. The stages usually have you click and eye block or JR himself to get him going, and then direct his path by removing more blocks. There are 28 stages in total, with an additional 8 unlockable bonus stages. You unlock the bonus stages by collecting stars and get stars by completing levels with as few clicks as necessary. Unlocking the bonus stages is very easy I only had to redo 2 levels upon beating the game to unlock the last bonus stage. The game only took me around 15 minutes to complete, but I still was somewhat entertained. The age demographic for this is defiantly for smaller kids probable around 8-10. I still enjoyed it because I like strategy games of this type which are easy to pick up and put down.

I’m going to give Monsterland 3 Junior Returns 3 floating eyeballs out of 5

“Daddy daddy daddy wake up … For the love of god JR I just wanna sleep T_T


Created by Almagames

Hosted on box10.com