Monsterland 3 Junior Returns Game Review

Review: Monsterland 3 Junior Returns

ML3 Junior Returns is another strategy game where the object is to make it through obstacles to wake up your parent. You must navigate small puzzles and avoid obstacles to get the child block to the daddy blocks head. This game is very kid friendly down to the visuals and difficulty factor. This is the third game, but this is my first experience with the Monsterland series

The visuals are bright and colorful. Nothing is menacing everything is cute down to the obstacles which are blocks with eyes. The main character a smiling red block named junior is also cute and just smiles the entire time unless you kill him, which his face then gives out a comical yell. It’s also funny to see JR jump up and down on his father’s head while his father is annoyed.

Just a lil red box that be chiiln :D
The game play is fun but has very simplistic strategy. Most stages can be completed with just a few clicks to get JR to his daddy, though the later stages do increase in difficulty mildly. The stages usually have you click and eye block or JR himself to get him going, and then direct his path by removing more blocks. There are 28 stages in total, with an additional 8 unlockable bonus stages. You unlock the bonus stages by collecting stars and get stars by completing levels with as few clicks as necessary. Unlocking the bonus stages is very easy I only had to redo 2 levels upon beating the game to unlock the last bonus stage. The game only took me around 15 minutes to complete, but I still was somewhat entertained. The age demographic for this is defiantly for smaller kids probable around 8-10. I still enjoyed it because I like strategy games of this type which are easy to pick up and put down.

I’m going to give Monsterland 3 Junior Returns 3 floating eyeballs out of 5

“Daddy daddy daddy wake up … For the love of god JR I just wanna sleep T_T


Created by Almagames

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