Weak Wednesday Talk Game Review

Review: Talk

I just I don’t know … I really have no idea what to say about this game.

Talk is dull, boring, annoying, and just plain bad.

The story is … who the hell knows.  In the beginning you get a vague message “All meanings ,we know, depend on the key of interpretation” . I have no idea next.

How are the graphics? Crap, we have stick figures with no animation, six year old created ms paint faces, gray and white striped floors, green squares, and red squares. What the heck is going on here I would like to know?

The sound, thankfully is rich and wonderful with a fast paced energetic score… I’m just kidding ITS FREAKEN ANNOYING BEEPING. Seriously what the hell is this thing am I even reviewing a web game? Nope it says it’s a game people.

What the heck is that thing???
Game play, ha ha what game play?  You move you’re little floating green stick guy into other stick guys for about 5 minutes that it. When you touch another stick guy a mini game pops up with a ms paint monstration flapping its mouth. You then can move a green square which does nothing and click one of three face choices. You can choose mad face, neutral face, or happy face. Oh that’s it by the way that’s the game.

Was my review confusing? Well I’m confused of what I just did. This game is stupid. I’m guessing it’s trying to be artistic in some way, its tag says experimental. But come on man this is awful, just plain awful. What’s the title mean, what’s the flapping ms paint people mean, what’s the green square portions mean, what do the faces mean, WHAT DOES ANYTHING MEAN!

thrilling visuals :7
I can’t even rate this game. I want to give it a 0 out of 5, but I don’t think it deserves my judgement. No no you’re note getting anything from me “talk”.

I'm giving Talk out of *

“why is there and why do you and how do you … AAAGHHH”

Overall score: go to hell game!

Created by PoshRaven
Hosted on newgrounds.com  


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