The Final Boss Game Review

Review: The Final Boss

Remember fast pace end bosses from old side scrolling games such as Sonic, Megaman, and Gun Star Heroes? Well here’s a game that takes everything else out and just gives us that epic conclusion without anything else.

It does in a way so perfect. It starts just like an end game situation would. It’s the final level you conquered it all and the only thing that stands in your way is the main villain with his last doomsday device. You have no more lives, no more continues, and your health is 0. If you take one hit you’re gone, game over.

The visuals are classic old-school. The sprite work looks like a classic Genesis or SNES title. The background this epic, the fight is taking place in what looks like a base of an evil organization. The main character kinda resembles Megaman a robotic warrior type, and the machine is huge and intimidating.

Oh Crap don't die don't die :o
The score is heavy metal which I’m usually not that fond of, but here it works. It’s the last level and the last boss all hell has broken loose.  You need this music to amp you up to release your inner gamer at 110% to beat this and you’re going to need it to win. In this instance I love heavy metal and I’m ready to win.

Now I’d like to tell you I played this game once and won, but I didn’t. Like an old Nintendo era game its hard. You have to memorize its pattern if you’re going to win and I can’t do that on the first several play throughs.

The game play is fun as hell. The boss reminds me of an end boss on gun star heroes for the Sega Genesis. You can change gravity to the floor and to the ceiling to avoid the enemy machine projectiles while you shower the enemy with your laser canon. After each section of the machine you defeat, the boss changes his strategy and pattern and you have to adapt fast. As it goes on it gets faster and way harder. I’m a sucker for boss battles like this. It’s my favorite way to end a video game.

If you’re a fan old classic side scrollers than you will love this game. It recapture gaming from my youth so I got to rate it high.

I’m giving The Final Boss 4 super mega cannons out of 5



Created by xdgames
Music by Alex Malishev

Hosted on


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