I think in a Minute or so I will explode Game Review

Review: I think in a Minute or so I will explode

This one has a rather long interesting title that I think I will refer to as “I will explode”. Anyways, I will explode is a simple game but had me playing it for 40 minutes.

The story has a general of some sort from some nation??? Explaining that it is the hero’s job to climb to the moon to bring honor to their nation. It’s a little weird but doesn't really have anything to do with the game play. The hero also has an exploding collar on his neck, so whatever you do don’t stop or you will explode hence the title.

Graphics are very simple, when I first started right off the bat it reminded me of an old Game boy game on a Game boy pocket (not the original as it was black and green tone). The hero reminds me of a chao from Sonic Adventure mini-game, with big head and little body. The screen changes colors upon selecting a deselecting color blocks you want.

The game has you jumping up and up continuous the entire time jumping from block to block. The game will only let you jump to color blocks you have active at the time. To jump to white blocks you have to switch color to white and to jump to black highlight black. There are few special blocks which can spawn crushers, launch you up, or launch you down. My favorite part is you can wall grab the blocks which I use most the time to make my way up.

It’s very simplistic to the core, but if you’re in right mood like me when I played it, then you will have a lot of fun. If not you might get bored very fast.

I’m giving I think in a Minute or so I will explode 3 exploding heads out of 5

“What I’m not jumping up blocks you crazy AHH BLAGHDAG ….. “


Design: Hangedman
Hosted on newgrounds.com


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