Flashback Friday Alien Hominid Game Retrospect

Retrospect: Alien Hominid

Like Wednesday I've decided that Friday will also be a themed day here on the intrawebs. It will be known as “Flashback Friday” from hence forth. I will take a look at old games from the 90’s and early 2000’s, probable with a cutoff date around 2005. By doing this, it gives me access to all the great web games made since the birth of the web. Ill mostly be looking at well known high rated games, and also judging how well the game has held together all these years.  I hope you all enjoy this new section on site.

For the first Flashback Friday I’m going to look at one of the most well-known web games and probable the second most iconic figure besides Pico to come from newgrounds.com. I’m of course referring to the one and only Alien from Alien Hominid. The game launched on newgrounds.com in late summer of 2002 and was programmed by none other than newgrounds founder Tom Flup and the game art was done by Dan Paladin. So how does it hold up after 11 years? Let’s find out.

The story here is that an alien has crash landed here on earth, and out of all the places he could land, he lands in the worst spot ever, right in front of the US FBI Building. Right from the start every FBI Agent wants him dead and from there the story is unknown. If I had to guess I would say he just wants to fix his ship and go home, but he may also be a scout for an alien invasion. Who knows?

The art work done by Dan Paladin is Awesome. Some other games by Dan and Tom include “Dad and Me” and “Castle Crashers” on Xbox live arcade. His style is his own, a very unique look you see nowhere else. Everything looks hand drawn with colorful, cartoony, and funny animation. Even today you couldn't tell when it was made. A lot games and flash videos back then were made using game sprites from snes and genesis titles. It defiantly stood out in 2002 from everything else.

The game play is action packed, fast paced, fun, and challenging. When I first played it I got my butt handed to me hard. The FBI agents are no push overs what so ever and they move very fast and shoot often. Even today some people complain about the difficulty and slam the well-designed game. In truth you just gotta master the game play mechanics which can take a little time. For starters if you stay duck down the entire game you should make it to the end as all bullets go over the aliens head. The best way I find is to ride the agents and let the other agents shoot the one you're riding. You also get a combo score by doing this called a freak attack. Usually at most there are two agents on screen with more spawning every time you kill one. There are two power-ups for the alien’s gun, a fire upgrade and a electric one that tears through all the agents. There is also a melee weapon that works when you’re right by an agent. The best weapon, and my favorite is the alien’s mouth, where you can bite the agents head off after riding on their backs and instill fear into the other agents watching. The biggest short coming of this game is its length. It is only one stage long and then it’s over. Now today with some games being very long, for example Aqua boy, it took me an hour to beat that game but it wasn't as difficult. Plus this made in 2002 and the level of quality and programming put in, you can just tell doing the one level was tough enough, so I can let it slide.

In 2004 A full game of Alien Hominid was made for the PS2 with 25 levels based on the 2002 release game and received an above average score from most critics. I think the original holds up very well today and is still a great game.  

I’m going to give Alien Hominid 5 Headless Agents out of 5

“Did I kill the kid? Yezz im a bad person :(”


Art by Dan Paladin
Programming by Tom Fulp
Music by LHM
Hosted on newgrounds.com


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