Mystery IQ Test Game Review

Review: Mystery IQ Test

Time to see how smart you really are

Mystery IQ Test is a puzzle game where you will need your wits to achieve a high IQ score. There are 30 puzzles, with 1 puzzle placed per room, and the only way to advance to the next room is to solve each puzzle.  There are 3 games modes, but the difference between the modes isn't much. The higher modes reward more points and take more points away when you make mistakes. Most of the puzzles are patterns that you must recognize to succeed, but be warned every mistake you make hurts your overall score, so take your time when trying to solve them. 

The story takes place in a room where your character awakes not knowing where they are. There is a note on the floor explaining that if you are smart you will get the answers you seek. As the story goes on more is reveled, and it explains why your character is being put through this test.

The art style is good your character has a big head small body and is animated well. The rooms pretty much all look the same except for the puzzles within. I can’t really say more on it, but for this game it works well.
Ugh gimme second here...

The game play is good the character moves where you want him to go. For some puzzles you will have to pick up things and place them on a switch or to use them to solve a problem. Puzzles are very unique and differ every room. Clues are given and most are fairly easy to solve but some I did get stumped on for a few minutes. Your overall score doesn't really mean much. I guess you could use it for bragging rights, however if you just play the game again you can have a perfect score. The game supports 6 different languages which I must say I don’t think I've seen much. That really makes it widely available to a lot of people on-line to play. Overall though I would like to see a lot more levels, but I guess future sequels would shut me up. I played through it in about 20 minutes, but I think I’m just greedy.

I’m going to give Mystery IQ Test 3 super brains out of 5


Game Developed By Entertainment Forge
Art By Gilbert De Vera
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