no-one has to die. game review

Review: no-one has to die. 

So for my first review I thought I’d do a game that really surprised me and that was no-one has to die.

At first this game play seemed very simplistic move a guy, turn on water, lock door, done. However, it’s not really the controls or game play that made the experience a fun one, but in fact it was story. I haven’t play a simple browser game that actually got me involved with the in-game characters like this before. Each choice I made actually had me caring for the characters involved.

 So let me break down the story without spoiling anything (yez there are spoilers). You are anonymous person who wakes up in a locked control room of a corporate building owned by the Fenix Corporation. The building is on fire and there are several survivors located on the basement floor and it is your job to help them escape. One little problem however,  you’re not going to be able to save them all and it’s up to you to decide who lives and who dies. The survivors and your characters all communicate through portable terminals in a chat session and each part through the story you learn more of what’s happening and the facts behind each person. The end has some surprising twists and it’s the biggest highlight of the game.

As game play goes you navigate everyone though each floor until the security system acts and has you play out a simulation of how to save the survivors and get them to the next floor. You do this by a very simple grid system that allows you to move each person once per turn, lock one fire door on each map, and activate water systems. Each turn fire will spread and so will the water as long as it is activated. It’s very easy and it’s just a little mini game that you do to control the story line.

Steve Kinda a Dick
The game also has some pretty good music. I especially like the grid screen music frantic and exciting. The game was made in html5 and not flash, which you haven’t seen too often but might start seeing as html5 is fairly new.  

Overall I really enjoyed the game for its story and its outcomes. It only took me 20 minutes to beat the whole game so I really think anyone who likes a good sci-fi story should give it a go.

I’m going to give it 4 scorched bodies out of 5 
"don’t work underground for shady corporations …  it just ends bad kids"                                                                         

OVERALL SCORE: 4                                                     

DESIGN- Stuart Madafiglio
ART- Cindy Xu
MUSIC- Jesse Valentine
Hosted on


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