Aqua Boy Game Review

Review: Aqua Boy

Grab your scuba gear because were diving in to fantastic underwater adventure that is Aqua Boy.

Aqua Boy takes place in a wonderful underwater world where you explore and fight off all sorts of sea creatures. Each area you explore is different from the last and usually rewards you with an upgrade at the end. The order in which you should do the areas is unclear, so it’s not uncommon that you will get to an area where you will be blocked and then learn that you need to explore to find an item that will let you through. The game is great fun and of high quality which proves you don’t have to spend money to have a good game experience.

The story involves the main character Aqua Boy who is on a journey with his monkey sidekick named Albert on a quest for the Helm of Pathandor, which lays in underwater ruins. Aqua Boy has a special diving suit which supplies him with all the air he needs without the need of oxygen tanks. For some reason their submarine crashed, and when Aqua Boy came to Albert was gone. Aqua Boy then later learns Albert has betrayed him and intends to use the helm for his own evil intentions. It’s up to Aqua Boy to find Albert his old friend and end his evil ways.The story only gets better as you go on. Albert has somehow got everything that lives in ocean on his side, so naturally every creature wants you dead. All for except a few NPCs that help you along the way by letting you know when item upgrades are near. The enemies are great and the mini bosses are a lot of fun. The game is broken into 3 stages with a very short tutorial stage in the beginning that explains controls and items.

The graphics are nice. Aqua Boy’s look is simple. He himself is just a boy with orange diving suit and clear helmet. Even though the look isn't eye popping, the game is big with many areas and colorful enemies. It works and has a nice charm and appeal.

The game play is awesome! I just love this game. The controls are excellent. When fighting creatures that shoot projectiles, you can just swim circles around them and own them. Aqua Boy handles great. He can swim in 8 directions in a fluent speed. He also shoots in all directions with long range and has a burst shot when weapon meter is full. Never once did I blame the game when taking a hit, it was my own fault and not because Aqua Boy wouldn't move his aqua butt. The game is full of upgrades (heart containers, bigger charge, stronger weapon, bomb, teleport gem, and many more). To use items in the game you have a charge meter that deplenishes when using an item, but will find upgrades for it later on. The game is very expansive it took me little over hour to get through and I know I missed a few power-ups along the way. The in game map is excellent. Rooms you haven’t been through yet flash, so you never feel lost at all. A lot of paths end in a dead-end but a teleport gem was put in that warps you back to the begging of the stage, so no backtracking ( I hate backtracking with a passion).  

Aqua Boy is a great game. I would have no issues of throwing down
$15-$20 to have a longer version on my 3DS with 12 more stages. I hope there will be more adventures with him in the near future.

I’m going to give Aqua Boy 5 rare gems of 5

“Never Trust Monkeys AB … didn't you see planet of the apes?"

I also Threw poop at you while you were passedout :P

Created by Duncan Fenn
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